Become a Bicentennial Sustainer!
As with other businesses and activities, the state of Michigan ordered our facilities closed to the public and our events postponed during the pandemic. This drastically impacted our revenues and threatened our organization’s ability to meet our fixed expenses. While we are now once again open to the public, attendance at Pine Grove and at events is significantly reduced. We must keep our nationally significant historic site safe and covered in these uncertain times, and so we ask for your help.
Please consider becoming a Bicentennial Sustainer for our Society with a one-time or recurring monthly donation. You may donate with a check payable to “OCPHS” or by following the links below. With your financial support, we can preserve and celebrate another century’s worth of Oakland County history.
To make a one-time donation, please click here.
To make a monthly donation, please click the Donate button below.
Please call or email with any questions.
– Mike McGuinness, Executive Director