Why Join? Well…
- Because we rock Oakland County history.
- Because our research library contains information that’s literally not available anywhere else.
- Because we’re a great group of people.
- We have a mansion. A MANSION.
- Because the mansion is expensive to maintain.
And because preserving local history is our passion, and sharing it with you is what we love to do. We simply can’t do that without support from people like you.
We are fully self supporting, and we rely on memberships and other activities to support our facilities and programs. Currently, we have over 300 members, but could always use more. Do you know why? Because a historical society can usually expect about 10% of its membership to be actively engaged. Folks, 30 people just isn’t enough.
Membership benefits include free on-site use of the Research Library, discounted rates for research by phone, email, or mail, and a subscription to our quarterly newsletter, The Oakland Gazette.
To join, please visit our Membership page, and thank you for considering us!