Illustrated Atlas of Oakland County, 1896 – Kace Publishing Co.
The 1896 Illustrated Atlas of Oakland County is one of the best map resources for 19th century Oakland County, primarily because it’s so darned accurate. The surveyors and publishers of the atlas clearly took their time with these maps.
Part of historical map research is map regression – take a location on an old map, and lay newer maps “on top” to physically locate an old feature. This atlas is the best source for this kind of work.
Clicking a thumbnail opens a new window. To download a full sized map, click a thumbnail, click again to zoom in, then choose “Save as” from your right-click or option menu.
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City of Pontiac Ward Maps
Towns and Villages
Township Plat Maps
The Kace Publishing Company, Racine Wis.
1896 - 05N-07E - Holly Township
1896 - 05N-08E - Groveland Township
1896 - 05N-09E - Brandon Township
1896 - 05N-10E - Oxford- Township
1896 - 05N-11E - Addison Township
1896 - 04N-07E - Rose Township
1896 - 04N-08E - Springfield Township
1896 - 04N-09E - Independence Township
1896 - 04N-10E - Orion Township
1896 - 04N-11E - Oakland Township
1896 - 03N-07E - Highland Township
1896 - 03N-08E - White Lake Township
1896 - 03N-09E - Waterford Township
1896 - 03N-10E - Pontiac Township
1896 - 03N-11E - Avon Township
1896 - 02N-07E - Milford Township
1896 - 02N-08E - Commerce Township
1896 - 02N-09E - West Bloomfield Township
1896 - 02N-10E - Bloomfield Township
1896 - 02N-11E - Troy Township
1896 - 01N-07E - Lyon Township
1896 - 01N-08E - Novi Township
1896 - 01N-09E - Farmington Township
1896 - 01N-10E - Southfield Township
1896 - 01N-11E - Royal Oak Township
3742 false false false
City of Pontiac Ward Maps
Kace Publishing Company, Racine, Wis.
1896 - Pontiac Ward 4
1896 - Pontiac Wards 1, 4, 5
1896 - Pontiac Wards 1, 5
1896 - Pontiac Wards 3, 4
1896 - Pontiac Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1896 - Pontiac Ward 2
3794 false false false
Towns and Villages
1896 - Farmington Village
1896 - Holly, Clarkston, Orchard Beach, Mahopac
1896 Lake Orion, South Milford, Waterford, Mathewsville
1896 - Leonard, Walled Lake, Thomas
1896 - Milford, Urbanrest, Drayton Plains
1896 - Ortonville, Highland Station, Franklin, New Hudson
1896 - Oxford, Clintonville, Wixom
1896 - Rochester
1896 - Royal Oak, Washington Heights, Commerce
1896 - South Lyon
1896 - Sylvan Lake, Amy, Lakeville, Stony Creek, Novi
1896 - Birmingham
1896 - Davisburg, Rose Center, Clyde, Cotumabi Bluffs
3807 false false false