The car show is part of our Annual Ice Cream Social, happening July 28th, 2018 between 11 AM and 5 PM.
You can pre-register your car here. You must pre-register to get a space on the lawn.
For safety reasons, show participants must be on site before 10 AM to ensure you’re ready before the crowd gets going – if you’re trailering a car, be there early to ensure you have a space for your car and trailer in the Wisner Stadium parking area (behind the building). This is the same area our volunteers will use to park their cars. It is a monitored area.
The show will be an informal gathering for you and your car. Our Ice Cream Social is one of our primary fundraising events – along with the car show, there will be tours of the mansion, shows by the Pontiac-Waterford Big Chief Chorus and Men of Grace, a World War 1 memorial, a Legoland Discovery Center (along with several other events for children), historical reenactors and other fun activities. It is an alcohol-free, family friendly event.
Our goal for this event is to have an area displaying vintage (pre-1970) cars and trucks for visitors to see and admire.
Event Location and Area
The Ice Cream Social is being held on the grounds of Pine Grove, 405 Cesar E Chavez Avenue in Pontiac, next to the Wisner School and Stadium.
Your car will be parked on the front lawn, along the inside of the hedge, between the mansion and the street.
Here’s a decent view of the front lawn from the street (it’s bigger than it appears here – that’s a fair-sized house).
Click the Street View icon in this map to see the front lawn area.
Staging Your Car and Parking Tow Vehicles
Just north of the mansion, there is a fenced, grass parking area with gate access to the Wisner Stadium parking lot next door. You will be bringing your car into Pine Grove from the street into this grass lot and unloading your car there, and your tow vehicle will go into the Wisner Stadium parking lot to the north, where Social volunteers will also park their vehicles.
You’ll drive your car onto the Pine Grove property and onto our driveway, and from there onto the lawn.
The border between the driveway and the lawn is flat; we will make sure there are no obstacles to bringing cars onto the lawn (we’ve actually tested this – the approach is smooth and our historical grass is comfy on the tires).
The show area is mowed grass, and is about 150’ x 40’ feet in size. There are a couple of trees and small bushes in the area that can easily be avoided (although the trees may be good cover for you and your lawn chair).
Be advised that our driveway will be a pedestrian area during the Social, so once you’re on the lawn, you’re there for the duration (unless it’s necessary that you leave – it will be a real annoyance to clear the driveway if you choose to leave during the event but we’ll accommodate you if needed).
Event Fees
There is no charge for admission to the Ice Cream Social for the driver and one passenger (admission is $7.00 per person or $15.00 for a family of five).
Thanks for participating in our event!